Manuscripts submitted to ‘International Journal of Agricultural and Applied Sciences (IJAAS)’ will be subjected to “Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Process”. On the basis of the referee’s comments, the author(s) are invited by the editor to revise the manuscript. Members as well as non-members of Agricultural & Environmental Technology Development Society (AETDS), are encouraged to contribute to the journal. Original Research Articles are accepted on the understanding that the work described is original, not published elsewhere, and authors have obtained the necessary authorization to publish the material submitted. The average time from submission to article publication is 10-14 weeks.

Subject Matter:

Manuscripts on all aspects of agricultural and life sciences are accepted.

Manuscript description

Manuscripts should be written in clear and concise English language, typewritten in double space with at least 2.5 cm margins on either side of each page using MS Word version. The full research paper should not exceed 15- typed pages (7000-8000 words) including tables and figures and should contain an abstract along with 5-8 keywords, an introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, acknowledgement, and references (a sample publication may be referred through link….). While short notes, not exceeding 6- typed pages (4000-4500 words), may also be divided into different sections with a short abstract. All the submitted manuscripts will be acknowledged immediately after their submission into the editorial system. Journal reserves the right to accept/reject and modify the articles into research article/short note. Review manuscripts should be accommodated in 30 –pages (12000-15000 words) in the prescribed format with the help of 80-120 citations including own work.

Authorship of the submitted manuscripts

The leading/corresponding author should be assigned to those who have made a significant contribution right from the conceptualization, design, execution, or interpretation of results to the final drafting of the manuscript. All those who have made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors. The other contributors who have participated in certain substantive aspects at some point in time while developing the manuscript should be duly acknowledged or listed as contributors. The corresponding author should ensure that no inappropriate co-authors are included in the manuscript and that all co-authors have seen the final version of the manuscript and agreed to submission.

Corresponding author:

The corresponding author is fully responsible for any disputes if arise during the entire process of publication of the submitted manuscripts.

Title page

The title page should be crisp and clearly indicate the article’s contents.

All the words having four or more than four letters, capitalize after the colon and en dash followed by the name(s) of the author(s), affiliation, and mailing address with the e-mail address of the corresponding author.


A brief informative abstract highlighting background, the methodology followed, and results with a clear-cut home-take message/practical utility of the study should be mentioned. If possible, the study should clearly bring out the scope of the work and its salient features, all within 300 words.

The abstract should be followed by keywords (not more than five) to describe the work for indexing purposes.


As far as possible, a brief and crisp introduction of the work would be encouraged in clear terms by citing key references focusing the background information, review of work done, and picking up the gaps in research to define the objectives of the proposed work.

Materials and Methods

The standard and already reported popular methods must be clearly highlighted, in addition to any modification of the original method. Un-necessary description of the statistical methodology should invariably be avoided, except the original method of statistics. If required, subtitles can be clearly substantiated. Use of standard abbreviations and ISI units should be properly used.

Results and Discussion

This section should be organized as a single section with the help of well-separated subtitles. Salient results must be highlighted and discussed with the help of appropriate citations. A brief conclusion of the research finding with future lines of work may be given at the end.

Structuring Figures and Tables

Each clearly worked-out structure drawing, graph, and diagram should be given in JPEG format separately and placed in the text preferably through MS Word. Figures/structures must be properly numbered in ascending order (like Fig.1, Fig 2, and their approximate position in the text indicated).

Tables should also be typed on separate sheets and numbered in increasing order within the text using Arabic numbers. All the tables should bear a descriptive short heading in lower case, starting with the word “Table”. Their placement in the text should be clearly indicated.

Reference citation

Relevant references shall be quoted under each section and must be cited in full in the reference section. References to unpublished work and abstract citations may be avoided. The following style should be followed:

If there are more than six authors in a reference, the first six authors should be included followed by suffixing ‘et al.’ en dash for page numbers as per example cited below:  
Journal reference: Weikert, S., Freyer, D. and Weih, M. 2005. Central nervous system in culture. Brain Res.748 (5): 1-11.

Book Reference (Textbook or whole edited book): Strunk, W., and White, E.B. 1979. The elements of style. Third ed. McMillon, New York, IX, PP. 209.

Book Reference (Edited book): Strunk, W., and White, E.B. 1979. Interface friction and energy dissipation. In: Dowson, D., Taylor, C.M. (eds.), Dissipastive Process in Tribology, Vol. 27. Elsevier, Amsterdom, PP. 223-234.

Thesis: Fang, C.L. 2005. New Models in Logistics Network Design (Ph.D. Thesis) Nanyang University, Singapore, PP. 216.

Research report: Thompson, C.P. 2007. Warp strike in New Zealand through fisheries. Report no. 33. Ministry of Fisheries, Wellington.

Conference Proceeding: Fang, C.L. 2005. Spectral Shape Analysis. In: Wada, K. (ed.), Proceedings of International Symposium ( title ……..) , Japan, May 2-5, 1990. Location, Publisher, 223-234.

Statement about Open Access and copyright

An open-access journal implies that the entire content of the manuscript is accessible without levying any extra cost to either user himself/herself or his/her institution in accordance with the modalities of BOAI definition regulating operational part of open access.

  • The publication reserves the right to make normative, spelling, and grammar changes in the original documents to maintain a refined standard language but respecting the style of the authors;
  • The original documents will not be returned to the authors;
  • The authors hold all the rights to their work published in the International Journal of Agricultural and Applied Sciences (IJAAS) and their full or partial reprint. Deposit or republication is subject to the express authorization from the editor of the journal, fomented through the CC-BY license;
  • The original source of publication should be acknowledged;
  • The opinions expressed by the authors of the articles are their sole responsibility.

Errors in published works:

When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own published work, it is the author’s obligation to promptly notify the journal editor or publisher and cooperate with the editor to retract or correct the paper.

Concurrent Publication:

An author should not in general publish manuscripts describing essentially the same research in more than one journal or primary publication. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.

Plagiarism Policy:

The Editorial Board of the International Journal of Agricultural and Applied Sciences (IJAAS) considers very seriously plagiarism in manuscripts received. In case of any allegations of plagiarism brought to the notice of the Editor, it will be investigated properly. It will be exposed if found true. A notice of the discovery will be included in the corresponding issue itself.

Acknowledgment of Sources:

Proper acknowledgment of the work of others must always be given.

The article Withdrawal Policy

Withdrawal of an article is not possible after the publication. The author can withdraw the article before the publication after the peer-review and the typesetting (but not yet published) the author will pay charged Rs. 5000/- for India & for other countries USD 100 per article.

Manuscripts and communication:

All submitted articles:
– must be original
– must be previously unpublished research results
– must be experimental or theoretical
– must be in IJAAS prescribed word template
– and will be peer-reviewed
– may not be considered for publication elsewhere at any time during the review period

Manuscripts and all communications should be submitted through email only.


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